While a dog can be trained to perform a wide variety of tricks and behaviors, there are many key rules to follow that will help ensure your training is successful and long lasting. Incorporate these golden rules as you dive into each new training endeavor, be it with a new puppy or an established canine family member.
dog training Bradenton and Sarasota

Learn the Golden Rules

Consistency. One of the most important rules when it comes to any training is to remain consistent. Before you begin, know the specifics of how you will train–what word or hand signal will you use for the new behavior? What are the limitations and freedoms your dog has when learning? Will you be using a clicker? Make sure your entire family understands the rules as well, so that your dog doesn’t get mixed signals. For example, when training your dog to wait calmly while you prepare their food, know where they should sit to wait; whether they need to be sitting or laying down; what will their release word be? Consistency will help your dog learn the correct behavior quickly.

Keep your training sessions short. No one enjoys sitting in a long, mentally-exhausting lecture–including our dogs! Training can be tiring, and it’s difficult for dogs to stay focused on a new behavior for very long. Multiple short training sessions spread out throughout the day will produce better results than one long training session. Additionally, be patient with your pup. Each dog learns at a different pace, so take your time with each new skill.

Don’t repeat yourself. When you repeatedly call your dog’s name or give a command multiple times in a row while your dog ignores you, it severs their association between the command and the action you want from them. You want to pay attention to where they are at in their training and only ask for behaviors you know they can perform–this ensures the correct associations and positive results. For example: if you are working on your dog’s recall, only let them off-leash if you know they will listen and return to you when called. If you aren’t sure this will happen, then it’s not time to let them off-leash yet! By keeping them leashed, you can give the recall command and correct them by pulling them to you manually if they do not come on their own. This shows them that you expect them to return to you the first time you give the command–not the fourth or fifth!

Be positive and fun. Training shouldn’t be a bore! This is a great chance for you and your pup to strengthen your bond and have a good time together. Keep training fun and exciting with treats, pets, and a positive attitude. Focus on rewarding positive behavior instead of punishing bad behavior. When you rely on punishment to reinforce training, your dog is learning a behavior out of fear of you and of consequences. Though this may be effective in some cases, it doesn’t create a bond or willingness to perform well for you in the same way as positive reinforcement. Research has shown that dogs are much more willing to listen and perform well when we reward them for good behavior instead of punishing them when they mess up.

Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training offers obedience training for puppies or adult dogs in Sarasota and Manatee County; as well as pet playcare and boarding options. Call today for more information.