Not every adventure you take your dog on has to cost you money. There are tons of fun activities you can do with your dog that will cost you absolutely nothing. If you and your dog are getting tired of hanging out around the house or even just of being in your local area, there are lots of different activities you might want to try to mix up your routine and help him burn off some energy. Here are four of the best things you can do with your dog that are completely free:

fun free things to do with your dog


Run your errands.

Especially if your dog is not used to being left alone or starts to act out if he is left home for too long, taking your dog with you when you run errands is a great way to prevent him from tearing up the house. It will also help to acclimate him to spending time in the car, which is extremely important if you ever want to be able to take your dog on longer trips or are planning to relocate with your dog in the near future. Your dog probably just wants to hang out with you, and tagging along as you drop of a package at the post office or run into the store for a few minutes is always fun. There are even some stores that might let you bring your dog inside (just be sure to ask first).

Visit a friend with your dog.

You probably have friends who love your dog just as much as they love you. I know that I have friends that are just as eager to play with my dog as they are to hang out with me (which makes them a great resource for dog sitting if I ever need someone to look after my pooch). If you are looking for something to break out of your neighborhood routine, why not call up a friend and ask if it is alright for you to bring your dog by. Your dog will love exploring a new house and yard and you’ll get to have some human company, too.

Go for a hike.

There’s nothing more fun for an active dog than getting out into the wilderness and going for a hike. Whether you choose an easy trail in your neighborhood or choose a more difficult outdoor excursion in the foothills or mountains around your area, a hike is a great way for your dog to burn off a lot of energy and to also explore a new outdoor space. If your dog is good without his leash, this is also a great time to give him a little more freedom, as long as he stays within your line of sight. Be wary of other dogs and keep a look out for wild animals.

Visit the pet store.

Just about every pet store welcomes dogs. You don’t have to buy anything (unless you are already in need of more dog food or want to let him pick out a toy). There will be lots of other dogs to meet and there will probably also be lots of people there that will love just to scratch his ears and give him some attention. Even the employees (most of whom work there because they love animals), will be thrilled to see a new dog. Most stores also have free treats that they hand out to every dog that comes through the door. How can you pass that up?