Let’s face it. If you are a dog owner, there’s a good chance that at some point, you’ll need to utilize a dog boarding facility for your beloved pooch. While you might consider this to be a scary or stressful situation, with a little prep and research, it can actually be a fun and healthy experience for your pet.

Here are some expert tips on making sure that your dog is ready for the new experience.
Sarasota dog boarding

Steps to Successful Dog Boarding

  • Research your options: There are many different boarding operations, and each will offer many variables in the programs and services available. Researching each facility and determining which options best match up with your dog’s personality will be a great help. If you have a high energy puppy, you will want to find a facility which offers plenty of socialized play time. If your dog is older or prefers time alone, a kennel that has fewer group play sessions may be best.
  • Take a test drive: If you’ve never boarded your dog, or they tend to be nervous or anxious, you can
    consider a 24-hour trial run. By doing so, you will get a sense of how your dog will react to a boarding situation before a longer stay.
  • Be up-to-date: Make sure your dog is adequately protected by being up-to-date with their shots.
    Kennels require this and some have extra requirements for certain scenarios (like dog influenza). Check with
    the facilities in advance, and schedule an appointment with your veterinarian if shots are needed. Don’t wait until the last minute, as most shots take a few days before they are effective. You’ll also want to make sure that your dog’s flea and tick treatments are current.
  • Prioritize socialization: Your dog will fare better in a kennel if they are used to being around other dogs. If your dog is not typically around other animals, give him opportunities to socialize at a dog park, or with friends. dog who is accustomed to being alone may get very stressed if suddenly placed in social situations without your comfort.
  • Preparation is critical: Give the kennel daily rations of your dog’s food (separated in plastic bags), vitamins, treats or other needs so that they are properly prepared. Bring familiar items from home to have in their private kennel – like a favorite blanket, bed or toy – whatever makes your dog comfortable. Some familiarity will greatly reduce their stress and make the experience better for them. If he isn’t kennel trained, work on this ahead of time as well. In many facilities, the dog is likely be in the kennel “for the night,” so you’ll want to be sure your dog will be comfortable with that and can hold the need to potty for the duration.

While most pet owners stress about the need to put their pet in a dog boarding facility, the reality is that most
dogs love the experience once they get used to it. They typically get more play time and more
socialization than they normally would, which helps make the time in the facility fun for them. They also
tend to get more exercise because of the extra play and interaction with other dogs. You may find that
your dog loves it and benefits from the experience greatly.

At Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training, we provide boarding and training – which is the best way to kick your dog
obedience training into high gear in the shortest amount of time. This program is highly touted and
extremely effective for the most challenging training situations. Let us help you.