Teaching your Dog to Jump into the Car
Teaching your dog to jump into the car makes life easier for everyone- and creating a pleasant association with the car allows a more stress-free ride.
Teaching your dog to jump into the car makes life easier for everyone- and creating a pleasant association with the car allows a more stress-free ride.
Canine behavioral problems nearly never just disappear on their own. Instead, they are often early warning signs of more serious and aggressive traits which are likely to appear down the road.
Dogs do not learn as we do, but there are situations where they can certainly pick up behaviors from other dogs around them - for better or for worse.
The most important question to truly ask yourself is if you are committed to being a rescue dog owner. These dogs have been through so much, and being returned to the shelter after experiencing a "family" is very hard on them.
Many dog owners find themselves being pulled down the street by their dog, as the canine excitedly runs to and fro. Here's how to help solve this common issue.
Even though today's dogs have been thoroughly domesticated, behavioral instincts can often rise to the surface. One of the most common instinctual behaviors is known as resource guarding.
Many owner's instinctual reactions to their pet's behavior may do more harm than good – and no one wants to cause their furry best friend any additional stress. 

For dog owners, this is a great chance to make some changes which will positively affect not only your own life, but will keep your dog happier as well.
Everyone loves celebrating the holidays in special ways. The sights, the sounds, the smells of the season are not only exciting for us to experience, but may represent a whole new world for your dog – especially the smells!
There are many things which may cause fear in your dog. They can be afraid of strangers, thunderstorms, passing bicyclists, or even other dogs. Here are 3 ways to help.