4 Ways to Entertain Your Dog When You Aren’t Home
Like humans, most dogs don't enjoy being alone most of the time. Dogs who are left alone all day tend to get bored, and a bored dog can be a destructive dog.
Like humans, most dogs don't enjoy being alone most of the time. Dogs who are left alone all day tend to get bored, and a bored dog can be a destructive dog.
If you own a senior dog, we know that you want to keep him active, healthy and happy for as long as possible. But just like humans, both a dog's needs and their capabilities change in later years.
You love when your dog is happy and active, and we know you don't want to quell their joy and exuberance. But by giving them enough exercise, attention, and training, you can channel their energy appropriately.
Your dog is looking to you for guidance, and he expects you to set the rules. Ultimately, a calm dog who understands how to act in every situation will be happier and more well-adjusted. Not to mention, your home will be a lot less chaotic!
While humans may be excited to welcome the yelping, playful bundle of energy into the home, it is important to note that your older dog may not share your enthusiasm for bringing a second dog into the home.
Dogs don't have innate good manners, they need to be taught. Just like any other behavior, you can improve your dog's impulse control through training & consistency.
Dogs will be dogs, and we should expect that they will pick things up in their mouths - but sometimes it is difficult to retrieve the item from them. Here are some dog training methods that may help you to get your dog to "drop it!" on command.
No matter what is causing the behavior, and no matter your dog's age, yo'll be happy to know that bad habits can nearly always be corrected with some patience and consistency.
Many owners have learned the hard way that when their pets are not given a physical outlet for plenty of activity, they can get frustrated or bored and turn to destructive behaviors, and that is not good for anyone.
Remember, the happiness and comfort of your dog(s) should always be your priority. Whether with one dog or several, the most important thing you can offer them is time and attention.