
Jill Vogel

About Jill Vogel

Jillian Vogel, owner of Gulf Coast K9, apprenticed at K9 Connection in Buffalo, NY before opening Gulf Coast K9 in South Florida. Her passion lies in helping dogs overcome hurdles, both small & large.
  • sarasota dog trainers

Can You Train an Older Dog?

Regardless of the famous adage which proclaims the opposite, you really can teach an old dog new tricks. Actually, it is never really too late to teach your faithful companion to learn and exhibit new behaviors, even if they never had any formal training up to this point.

By |July 26th, 2018|Behavior, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • training your puppy Bradenton

At What Age Should You Begin Training Puppies?

Many people think that training cannot begin until puppies are five or six months old. But experts say that waiting until this juvenile stage is upon your pet may cause unnecessary problems. By 6 months your dog is beginning to develop their adult behavioral patterns - and bad behaviors learned in puppyhood may already be established.  Sadly, this is often the reason that many juvenile dogs are abandoned at shelters as their humans get exasperated.

By |July 23rd, 2018|Behavior, Puppy Training, Training Tips|0 Comments

What to Look for in a Dog Daycare

At first glance, the concept of doggy daycare - or play care - may seem extravagant, but to pet lovers, it actually makes perfect sense. Doggy daycare provides an alternative to those who need to be gone all day and hate the idea of their dog being left alone. But beyond the emotional pull of [...]

By |July 10th, 2018|Behavior, Interaction|0 Comments
  • srq best dog trainers

Picking Up After Your Boarding and Training Program Completes

Whether your dog needs basic obedience training or needs help with an issue like fear aggression, board and train programs can make a significant positive impact on your dog’s life.

By |May 29th, 2018|Training Tips|0 Comments
  • best sarasota dog training

Check These 3 Boxes Before Rewarding Your Dog

Without thinking about it, you may be rewarding bad behaviors and encouraging your dog to act crazy for the things he likes. Here are 3 ways to reinforce the good behavior that you like.   

By |May 22nd, 2018|Behavior|0 Comments
  • best dog trainers srq

Dealing With Dog Aggression in a Home With Two Dogs

You had one dog, but you decided that he needed a friend. Great idea in theory, but now they’re getting into fights! What can you do? Do you have to get rid of one of the dogs to maintain a peaceful household?

By |May 16th, 2018|Safety, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • sarasota dog trainers

How To Stop Your Dog’s Runaway Behavior

If your dog is a chronic runaway, there are things you can do to help curb this behavior. The most important thing is to identify what’s causing your dog to run away.

By |May 10th, 2018|Safety|0 Comments
  • dog trainers Sarasota

Helping Your Newly Adopted Dog Adjust to Your Home

Adopting a new dog is exciting. You want everything to be perfect with your new best friend right away, but they may be very nervous and unsure of the situation.

By |May 8th, 2018|Training Tips|0 Comments
  • dog trainers Sarasota FL

Correcting Your Counter Surfing K-9

There are several dog training techniques you can do to teach your dog to stop counter surfing and help to keep them from the temptations up there.

By |April 24th, 2018|Behavior|0 Comments
  • best professional dog trainer srq

Common Household Items That Are Poisonous to Dogs

Dogs are notorious scavengers, especially if they get bored when they are left home alone, and they will eat the most surprising things if given half a chance. Here is a list of common household items that are poisonous to dogs...

By |April 17th, 2018|Safety|0 Comments