
Jill Vogel

About Jill Vogel

Jillian Vogel, owner of Gulf Coast K9, apprenticed at K9 Connection in Buffalo, NY before opening Gulf Coast K9 in South Florida. Her passion lies in helping dogs overcome hurdles, both small & large.
  • Prong Collar Before and After

Intro to Prong Collar Before and After | Dog Training Video

This video is all about Paolo being introduced to a Prong Collar! In this video we show you how mild the prong collar can be and how Paolo reacts to it!

By |November 9th, 2016|Training Videos|0 Comments

Love Doesn’t Fix Everything!

One of the worst things you can do for your dog is to use positive reinforcement to attempt to fix your dog’s problem behaviors. ..

  • dog training in tampa

Training The “Down Stay” Position with Distractions | Dog Training Video

This video is all about Jax learning how to stay in the "Down Stay" Position with distractions happening around him. Jax is doing great with staying down while our owner, Jillian, rolls trash cans by him!

By |November 7th, 2016|Training Videos|0 Comments
  • dog training in bradenton

Practicing eCollar Recalls | Dog Training Video

This video is all about Jax learning how to come when he's called and how to listen and respond appropriately to commands.

By |November 4th, 2016|Training Videos|0 Comments

Why Dog Training Should Not Be Your Last Resort

If you have ever raised a dog, you know that they develop bad behaviors on their own. Very negative behaviors, however, never spring up suddenly.

I only want to address just this one issue with my dog…and nothing else. Why that doesn’t work, why you do not see the full benefits of training.

Most people seeing training as a solution for a specific problem. They ignore all of the other issues or try to only work on one issue at a time...

  • auto sits with a leash dog training

Teaching Leash Pressure Sits | Dog Training Video

This video is all about Jillian introducing Kira to the "sit" command with leash pressure! Kira is doing great and her auto sit is almost there!

By |October 28th, 2016|Training Videos|0 Comments
  • how should I feed my dog?

What does a feeding routine have to do with my dog’s problem behaviors?

The best thing to do to eliminate bad behavior because of lenient feeding is to actually establish a feeding routine that will satisfy your dog.

By |October 24th, 2016|Diet, Schedules, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • how to get a dog to ride in an elevator

Training a Dog to Ride in an Elevator | Dog Training Video

This video is all about Gracie learning to ride in an elevator! In her family's new home, she will have to ride one every day, so we're helping her get acclimated.

By |October 21st, 2016|Training Videos|0 Comments

I can’t stop my dog from having accidents in the house…HELP!

Especially when you are first training your dog, it might seem impossible to stop him from having accidents in the house.

By |October 20th, 2016|Puppy Training, Schedules, Training Tips|0 Comments