
Jill Vogel

About Jill Vogel

Jillian Vogel, owner of Gulf Coast K9, apprenticed at K9 Connection in Buffalo, NY before opening Gulf Coast K9 in South Florida. Her passion lies in helping dogs overcome hurdles, both small & large.
  • how to get a dog to like their crate

I Don’t Want to Use the Crate…It’s Mean.

You have to spend time with your dog, getting them acquainted and used to the crate. If you do it the right way, your dog will actually want to be in his crate!

Why is My Relationship with Your Dog so Different Than Yours?

People always ask how my relationship with their dog is so much better than theirs. Here are my tips and tricks for helping you enhancing your special relationship.

  • how to train a dog with an ecollar

The Benefits of eCollar Training

An eCollar is a type of collar that uses the principle of stimulation to correct a dog who is misbehaving.

By |September 30th, 2016|E Collar Training, Leash Training, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • Fun things to do with your dog that are free

4 Things You Can Do with Your Dog that Are Free

Not every adventure you take your dog on has to cost you money. There are tons of fun activities you can do with your dog that will cost you absolutely nothing.

By |September 16th, 2016|Interaction, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • Dog Place Command Training

Rohan – Place Command Training | Dog Training Video

This video is all about Rohan going through some Place Command Training! We also go over how remote collars work and how dogs understand their commands

By |September 12th, 2016|Training Videos|0 Comments

How to Stop Dogs from Barking at the Door

Even a friendly dog might bark at the door, which can frighten visitors and be annoying to owners.

By |September 9th, 2016|Behavior, Interaction, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • how to properly speak to your dog

Would You Come to You?

Does your dog come when you call? Does she come every single time you call, or only when it suits her fancy?

  • Ecollar Training Video

Izzy: Ecollar Freedom | Dog Training Progress Video

This video is all about Izzy enjoying the freedom of being without her collar! Izzy is doing a great job with being obedient and learning about her leash

By |August 31st, 2016|Training Videos|0 Comments

Upcoming Remote Collar Workshop

Join Tyler Muto for a Two Day Hands-On Electronic Collar Workshop on November 12th-13th, 2016 at Gulf Coast K9 in Florida.

By |August 29th, 2016|E Collar Training, Training Tips|0 Comments

What Age Should We Start Training Our Dog?

The truth is that if you have a dog, the process of training has already begun, whether or not you are actually actively trying to.

By |August 25th, 2016|Interaction, Puppy Training, Training Tips|0 Comments