Raising a Friendly Dog
Raising a friendly dog is important for your pet's health and happiness , and the sanity of the humans who live with him. Here are some tips to consider.
Raising a friendly dog is important for your pet's health and happiness , and the sanity of the humans who live with him. Here are some tips to consider.
Owning a dog is one of the most rewarding things in life. They are loyal, loving and always happy to see you. But owning a dog is a big responsibility, and dogs require a lot of training and attention. One of the most necessary tasks is housetraining. Because no matter how much we love them, [...]
Like people, dogs have personalities. But why do dogs growl at some people, while being perfectly friendly to otherss? Let's find out.
Just like humans, our dogs experience stressful situations. We can help them by being aware of the signs of canine stress in order to help them to cope.
When you want to introduce two dogs, there are several factors to consider. Follow these steps to help to make a first meeting result in friendship.
Teaching puppies well is the best way to make sure that they are happy and healthy. Walking on a leash is an important skill for them to learn.
We prepare a puppy for a well-adjusted life by teaching them how to properly interact in their world. Socializing your dog reduces stress for you and them.
In just a few weeks, kids will be heading back to school. Does your dog also need to go back to obedience school for a refresher course?
If you are wondering about taking your dog on vacation with you, we have assembled a few summer vacation tips to keep your pooch happy and healthy.
There are many theories which attempt to explain why your dog loves to dine on your front lawn. Why is your dog eating grass? Here are some ideas.