
  • how to properly speak to your dog

Would You Come to You?

Does your dog come when you call? Does she come every single time you call, or only when it suits her fancy?

  • Dog trainer in Bradenton, FL | Parrish Dog Trainer | Jill Vogel | Gulf Coast K9

That Safe Feeling

Not feeling safe underlies behavior issues that owners, trainers and behaviorists face every day. Here's how to make your pup feel safe and secure.

By |August 22nd, 2016|Behavior, Interaction, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • How to read dog's body language

5 Superpowers You Didn’t Know Your Dog Had

What’s your dog’s superpower? Here are five superpowers you might not know your dog even had.

By |July 26th, 2016|Behavior, Schedules, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • dog-body-language-how-to-read

How to Read Your Dog’s Body Language

Understanding what your dog is trying to tell you can help you and let you know if your dog is on edge or whether they are relaxed.

By |July 7th, 2016|Behavior, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • what-to-look-for-in-a-dog-trainer

What to Look for in a Dog Trainer

How do you know that the dog trainers you have been considering are the right one to train your dog? Here's how to find the right fit for your dog.

By |June 23rd, 2016|Behavior, Training Tips|0 Comments
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What is Your Intention…Frustration or Fun?

When I see owners struggling with their dogs it usually comes from a place of heightened energy, frustration and anxiety.

By |May 17th, 2016|Behavior, Interaction, Leash Training, Training Tips|0 Comments
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Interacting with New People & Family

While your dog may LOVE people, your family, your kids...they may not love them all together and for a long period of time.

By |May 10th, 2016|Behavior, Interaction, Training Tips|0 Comments
  • pet training bradenton

Spoiled Dogs

After having my own dogs and knowing nothing in the very beginning. Then volunteering at an animal shelter and gaining a ton more experience with dogs, fellow volunteers and adopters, to becoming a dog trainer and getting to work with a lot of different people and their dogs, I have noticed an alarming trend in something that the majority of them share.

By |April 6th, 2016|Behavior, Training Tips|0 Comments