Urban Training: When Dogs Live in Small Spaces
The limited space of a condo or apartment dwelling demands innovative approaches to training, incuding urban training techniques for dogs in small spaces.
The limited space of a condo or apartment dwelling demands innovative approaches to training, incuding urban training techniques for dogs in small spaces.
Integrating training into your dog's daily routine is about making the most of every interaction and turning it into a rewarding experience.
While planning a trip with your dog seems exciting, you'll need to take several important considerations into account to ensure their safety and comfort.
Leash training offersmany benefits beyond simply adhering to the law. A well-trained dog on a leash is less likely to get into dangerous situations.
Ever noticed how puppies seem to chew on everything in sight? That's because they're teething. It can be uncomfortable, and chewing helps soothe the pain.
Even though training can be a close bonding experience for owner and dog alike, many dog owners don't enjoy going over training steps repeatedly and hoping the trick sticks. While we hope our blogs give detailed instructions to simplify the training process at home, we understand that not everyone can dedicate time to training on [...]
Consistency allows your pet to be comfortable with the dog training process and in the best frame of mind to learn the information you attempt to pass on to them.
Sometimes, the best way to train your dog is to focus on the basics, and the command we are discussing today is an essential part of every dog owner's repertoire - 'Watch Me.'
A dog carrier can be extremely useful for introducing your pet to a new place in a safe and controlled manner - but your dog may not like it.
If loud barking keeps you up at night - or scares your visitors when they enter your home - teaching your dog to quiet down is likely your first priority.