Getting a puppy is a joyful experience and life-changing decision. Welcoming any dog into your life comes with adjustments to your daily routine, but puppies especially demand a lot of new responsibility and awareness. Are you prepared to embark on the exciting and fulfilling adventure of puppy parenthood? Here are some hints that you may be ready.


  1. You know you have the time for them. Puppies require constant attention, time, and affection–just as babies do! Without proper playtime and attention, they may get destructive in their boredom. They need to be properly trained to go to the bathroom outside, to play well with people and other animals, to understand what items are acceptable to gnaw on or play with and which to leave alone. As we like to say here, training takes a lot of time and patience, and with a puppy you’re starting with a blank slate. Life is new and exciting for your puppy–enjoy their wonder in new things and experiences!
  2. You’re ready for their energy. Again, puppies have extensive energy just as kids do. You’ll need to spend lots of time playing with your puppy and exercising them. Two or three walks each day will socialize them and expose them to new people, places and things while helping them burn energy. For higher energy breeds, bring your puppy to a safe fenced area to run and play a game of fetch.
  3. You’ve got the money. Puppies are more of a financial drain than many people realize. Your growing pup will go through food like nobody’s business, and on top of that they need toys and supplies. Veterinary care–vaccines, spaying and neutering, emergencies, etc.–is necessary and must be budgeted for. There are even pet insurance plans you can get to help pay for regular and emergency veterinary care.
  4. It’s a family decision. Raising a puppy is going to be a team effort; if your partner, roommates, or other family members are not fully on-board, it will create a lot of tension. Be sure to clearly outline all the behaviors you expect to teach the puppy, the rules you will all adhere to, and how you will all split the responsibilities of owning a dog. Be sure to not only make sure the human household members are ready, but also the animal companions. Speak with your vet or trainers to learn how best to prepare your current pets for the newcomer and ensure they’re properly socialized.
  5. You’ve spent time researching. Figuring out which breed of puppy to adopt is a big decision. You need to take into account your priorities, your lifestyle, and your ability to provide the best quality of life for your new dog. Take note of how often you are naturally active throughout the day to figure out the right breeds to look for. Plan for doggy day care if you know your whole family will be gone for hours each day.

Puppies are a lot of work, but they are also a huge source of love, pride, and excitement. If you’re able to put in the time and effort to train your puppy and give them the attention they need, you will have a lovely companion for life.

Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training offers puppy training classes to little canines from the Sarasota, Bradenton and Palmetto areas. Call today for schedules and availability.