A competitive dog sport unknown to many people is known as dock diving. This skill tests a dog’s ability to leap horizontally. The goal is to have your dog jump as far as he can before hitting the water. If your dog enjoys swimming and fetching toys, then learning to dock dive is a great activity for them. Even if you never enter your dog in a competition, living in Florida gives us plenty of opportunities to train and play with our dogs in this way.

Any pup that likes swimming and is willing to jump into the water after a toy can be trained to dock dive. However, some breeds are more likely to have an affinity for dock diving–retrievers, of course, as well as Dobermans and Malinois, tend to do particularly well. But with the proper training and enthusiasm, most dogs can be competitive in this sport.

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To train your pup for a dock dive, you need access to water and a dock. The dock should be 40 feet long and covered in a nonslip fabric to help with traction and prevent falls; carpet or artificial turf are great options. The water must be potable and at least 42” deep. The water line shouldn’t be more than two or three feet below the dock. It’s essential to take these specifications seriously to ensure your dog’s safety as they jump and land in the water. You’ll also need a diving toy or bumper–these are usually made of rubber and will float so that they don’t get lost in the water. The toy will guide your dog as they leap since they will follow where the toy goes.

Before beginning your training at the dock, check to make sure nothing on the dock or under the water might injure your dog as they jump in. Once your site is clear, you can start!

  1. If your dog does not already know how to swim, you must teach them first. You can read our blog on teaching swimming here.
  2. Once your pup is comfortable swimming, they need to learn to chase a toy into the water. Grab your floating toy, and stand on a flat shoreline. Throw the toy into the water so that your pup can wade into the water after it. When they’re confidently splashing in after the toy, you can move to the dock.
  3. Toss the toy into the water, and encourage your pup to jump off the dock to get it. Depending on the dog, they may be hesitant. It may help for you to be in the water as well, letting them know it’s safe. As soon as they do, give them lots of praise and treats so that they’re motivated to do it again!
  4. Repeat this exercise until they’re confidently jumping into the water. Keep in mind that swimming is quite tiring, so limit your training sessions short at first as they build up their stamina.
  5. The next step is to have them start from further back on the dock. Have them wait six feet from the edge while you return to the edge. This way, when you throw the toy, your dog will get a running start and have more momentum to get a farther leap. Over time, move them further and further back. You’ll be amazed at the distance your dog can get with a running start!

Dog training does not always have to involve learning obedience – you can also teach some fun behaviors! Once your dog can dock dive, you can spend many happy days playing outside and giving them great exercise. But if you do need a professional obedience training school for your dog, call Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training. We offer classes and playcare for area residents from our Bradenton facility.